2024 Spring Project Course, KTH

This is a course project from IK2220 Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV). Please refer to the Github public archive for explanations and implementation details.


The goal of the project is to give you hands-on experience in practical SDN & NFV implementations. You should learn how to:

Phase 1 (SDN)

In the first phase, you will use SDN tools to implement a small topology shown in Figure 1. The goal of phase one is to start playing with Mininet, a system to simulate a network, and OpenFlow, an SDN protocol that allows the OpenFlow-enabled switches to communicate with an SDN controller, in our case, POX.

Topology Phase 1

A simple Cloud Topology with three main zones. A public zone(PbZ) that sits close to the Internet, a protected, demilitarized zone (DmZ) that contains servers (Web) and a private zone (PrZ) that contains cloud resources (e.g. VMs). In phase 1, all the network elements are L2 switches and all hosts belong to the same subnet (100.0.0/24).


  1. In topology/, setting up hosts, switches and links.
  2. In applications/sdn/, handling switches with its own dpid and setting up the MAC table.
  3. In applications/sdn/, defining basic operation and action matching functions for a firewall.
  4. In applications/sdn/, setting detailed rules (src, dst, port, protocol, action, etc.) for the specific firewalls.
  5. In applications/sdn/, setting up web server scripts and corresponding page with @app.route('/path').
  6. In topology/ and /topology/, setting testing scenarios and corresponding condition checking.
  7. In Makefile, automating make process with script and generating report.


In test, all cases pass and the web server could be reached at port 8080.

[ws1] Web server start:80
[ws2] Web server start:80
[ws3] Web server start:80
h1 ping h2 working as expected, ping True
h2 ping h1 working as expected, ping True
h3 ping h4 working as expected, ping True
h4 ping h3 working as expected, ping True
h3 ping h1 working as expected, ping True
h1 ping h3 working as expected, ping False
h3 ping h2 working as expected, ping True
h2 ping h3 working as expected, ping False
h4 ping h1 working as expected, ping True
h1 ping h4 working as expected, ping False
h4 ping h2 working as expected, ping True
h2 ping h4 working as expected, ping False
h1 ping ws1 working as expected, ping False
h2 ping ws1 working as expected, ping False
h3 ping ws1 working as expected, ping False
h4 ping ws1 working as expected, ping False
h1 http request ws1 successfully
h3 http request ws1 successfully
h1 http request ws2 successfully
h3 http request ws2 successfully
h1 http request ws3 successfully
h3 http request ws3 successfully
Passed 22/22 tests.

Phase 2 (SDN+NFV)

In the second phase, we will complete the topology by adding four new nodes, as follows:

Topology Phase 2

Cloud Topology with three main zones. A public zone(PbZ) that sits close to the Internet, a protected, demilitarized zone (DmZ) that contains servers (Web) and a private zone (PrZ) that contains cloud resources (e.g. VMs).


  1. Updating files to adapt to the new topology.
  2. In applications/nfv/, classifying incoming traffic and sending those packets with mismatched patterns to inspector (insp), which would generate the records.
  3. In applications/nfv/, load balancing incoming traffic to 3 web servers in round-robin fashion, and setting direct return chain from server side.
  4. In applications/nfv/, matching TCP and ICMP packets and performing network address transformation with IPRewriter() and ICMPPingRewriter().
  5. In applications/sdn/, finishing the script wrapper to python functions.


In test, all cases pass and the web server could be reached at port 8080. The corresponding reports (as well as stream printing outputs) are stored under results and an insp.pcap dumping file is generated.

[ws1] Web server start:80
[ws2] Web server start:80
[ws3] Web server start:80
tcpdump on insp start
----------- Basic Ping Test-----------
h1 ping h2 working as expected, ping True
h3 ping h4 working as expected, ping True
h3 ping h1 working as expected, ping True
h1 ping h3 working as expected, ping False
h3 ping h2 working as expected, ping True
h2 ping h3 working as expected, ping False
h1 ping ws1 working as expected, ping False
h3 ping ws1 working as expected, ping False
----------- Virtual Address Ping Test-----------
h1 ping virtual IP  working as expected, ping True
h2 ping virtual IP  working as expected, ping True
h3 ping virtual IP  working as expected, ping True
h4 ping virtual IP  working as expected, ping True
----------- HTTP method Test-----------
h1 operates GET IDS System works correctly
h1 operates POST IDS System works correctly
h1 operates PUT IDS System works correctly
----------- Linux and SQL code injection Test-----------
h1 operates PUT IDS System works correctly
h1 operates PUT IDS System works correctly
h1 operates PUT IDS System works correctly
h1 operates PUT IDS System works correctly
h1 operates PUT IDS System works correctly
Passed 20/20 tests.

Thanks for reading.